Away from crowd

This is no secret that "Too much of anything is bad". Same has happened with Kota, Jaipur & other big centers of education. We agree that Kota was the first & most recognized centre for JEE and pre-medical preparation in entire India, the situation is very different now. At any point of time, there are more than 1.5 Lakh students in Kota. All these students come from far flung areas of the country. Even if we believe that all the results published in newspapers are correct, a miniscule fraction (less than 10%) of these students actually succeeds.

We believe that this is primarily because of scale of the operations in most of the coaching institutions in these cities. Because, there are tens of thousands of students in each of these coachings, it becomes almost impossible for management/teachers to have a personal, one on one discussion with students to understand their need and what they are going through.

We at Matrix believe that each student is unique and has to be dealt in a different manner. To ensure this, we have regular systematic counseling process with students where our faculty members understand what the best course of action for each student is and a recommendation program is made accordingly.

We encourage you to visit our institution and see how our counseling process works and how it is superiour to anything you have seen.

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